Lease Management

Lessee Node Assignment

Lessee node assignment can be performed by the administrator or node owner. It can be executed using the Ironic CLI:

openstack baremetal node set --lessee <lessee project id> <node>

However, if you require reporting on historical usage, it is recommended that you use the ESI Leap service to create a lease that can be tracked and reported upon. This can be done as follows:

openstack esi lease create –start-time <optional start time> –end-time <optional end time> <node> <lessee project id>

An administrator or node owner can also use ESI-Leap to offer up a node for any project to claim:

openstack esi offer create --start-time <optional start time> --end-time <optional end time> <node>

A lessee can then claim the node, creating a lease:

openstack esi offer list           # note UUID of offer to claim
openstack esi offer claim --start-time <optional start time> --end-time <optional end time> <offer UUID>

Multiple lessees can claim the same offer as long as their start and end times do not overlap.

Lease Reporting

In order to create a report regarding leases, use the openstack esi lease list command. By default, this will print current leases to the output. The command can be modified in a variety of ways:

-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}          # change the format of the output
--status any                             # list all leases, regardless of status
--time-range <start time> <end time>     # view leases within the time range